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We believe the restoration of all things — also referred to as the end of sin or the end of time — is marked by a series of one-of-a-kind events.

Following a season of signs and troubles, the work of restoration begins with the Second Coming of Jesus. At that time He will gather the redeemed from the earth and take them into the clouds to meet Him.

The redeemed will remain with Jeus for a thousand years in heaven. During that time the earth will rest in desolation, disturbed only by Satan.

Afterward, we will accompany Him for His Final Return — that is, the Third Advent or Third Coming. The wicked will be raised, unbinding Satan, who will rally them to a final battle against God. Their effors will be cut short as God delivers His righteous judgment upon them so all may understand. Only then will He destroy, once and forever, all sin.

The work of restoration culminates with the creation of a perfected New Earth, free of any vestige of sin. The beautiful city of New Jerusalem will be brought down from heaven and set upon the earth. There, God will place His throne, instituting a New Heaven.

We will now discuss each of these separately:

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